To all the young moms/ mamas/ mommies out there: You may think you are failing. You may think your kids won’t survive. You may think they won’t be successful. You may fear so many things. But mama, every step matters. Every. Single. Step. Feeding your child. Giving a cup of water or juice. Cuddles. Lots Read More
Author: Eve
Years ago, while I had three little ones ages 8, 7 and 4, I experienced a waterbed leak while my husband was out of town on business. We were homeschooling and my four-year-old had just learned the word “perseverance.” As soon as I discovered the leak, I frantically screwed on the hose attachments and after Read More
A Crazy Day
My daughter and I had a crazy afternoon at the hospital today trying to get simple blood work. It doesn’t really matter what happened. People made mistakes, and we waited for over an hour and a half for something we still didn’t receive. We laughed about it as one incident after another occurred trying to Read More
Broken Does Not Equal Useless
I broke a vase today. It’s a favorite, fairly small, and usually fits securely on my kitchen window sill. I love to see it full of bright zinnias. Hurrying to wash dishes, I knocked this vase from its “secure” place. As pieces were picked up, I was inspired. The vase may not be pretty, but Read More
The Peace Lily
This poor plant has been through a beating. The first few years I received it, I practically killed it. I kept pulling off black leaves and did my best to help it recover. It was almost dead when I decided to try one last effort. Eventually I transplanted it to a larger pot, gave it Read More