
Years ago, while I had three little ones ages 8, 7 and 4, I experienced a waterbed leak while my husband was out of town on business. We were homeschooling and my four-year-old had just learned the word “perseverance.”

As soon as I discovered the leak, I frantically screwed on the hose attachments and after calling my husband, figured out how to drain the waterbed. I threw the hose out the bedroom window and hoped for the best.

It wasn’t enough to get all the water out, however. The only thing I could to do next was attempt to drag the wet, clammy, cumbersome mattress to my shower in hopes to finish draining the water refusing to budge.

I don’t remember if I asked the kids to help me, but they sure were excited to try. In their eyes it was an adventure! It took so much pushing and shoving, I thought it would take forever. The weight of the mattress combined with water was unbelievable. Not only did I have to make sure it was pushed and folded to the end of the bed, it also had to come up and over the surrounding box that originally contained the mattress in its proper position. So we heaved and pulled together. We pushed and prodded, and inch by inch we moved it. It was a warm day, and sweat was forming on my brow. I’ll never forget my four-year-old’s excited little voice saying, “We must persevere, mommy! We must persevere!” Over and again, our little cheerleader 📣 encouraged us all, as he pushed with all his own little might. I don’t recall how many hours it took, but the afternoon was spent. I wonder how much that must have weighed! Once on the floor, little by little, I was able to drag it to the shower about 14 feet away to drain.

I don’t know why I’m sharing this story other than perseverance is an important trait to carry when circumstances feel as if they will beat you down before you can overcome them. It wasn’t long after that we faced trials far more difficult than I would ever imagine. But perseverance doesn’t come without hope. In fact, it’s in the very act of persevering that we find that hope, and in the hope we continue to persevere.

We have a cloud of witnesses cheering us on. Those who pray for us, and will encourage us, those who have run this race of life before us, and even those who stand by the sidelines watching how we react to the situation.

Because of Christ we are given everything we need to overcome situations, including the ability to learn the beautiful art of perseverance. As we overcome even the smallest of incidences, we learn to overcome the bigger ones. Younger generations (born physically or spiritually to you) are watching. Are you teaching by your reactions?

How will we react to rough circumstances? Do you have solid people in Christ cheering you on in your faith? Have you seen when perseverance combined with hope created within you healthier character traits? Please share your thoughts in comments!

2 thoughts on “Perseverance

  1. Hannah G. says:

    Adding Hebrews 12:1-3 to this:

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. NIV

    • Eve says:

      Yes! Thank you, Hannah! Excellent scripture. Jesus is the end to all joy and the ultimate reason to learn perseverance in our trials.

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