“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children.” Proverbs 13:22
The other day I had a faint memory, I was unsure of. I wondered if my Grandmother, Betty Foster, had submissions for Fruit of the Vine, published by Barclay Press. I’ve had several devotions published within the little magazine myself, and thought it would be fun to know for certain. I kept thinking I had heard my Grandma mention the writings to my parents.
I decided to take the plunge and ask the editor if she had any way of finding records. Though busy, she replied quickly! She discovered two weeks’ worth, one from 1973 and one from 1975 and had files sent. She would have been 47 and 49 years old, just a few years younger than I am now. Wow. Needless to say, I was excited to open my treasure and enjoyed reading what she had to say.
Why is this important to me? Because as a writer, I feel that connection with her. What God gifted in her, he also uses through me and other family members. My Grandmother and I have different styles; yet, I also see similarities. She enjoyed reading and writing fiction, though dabbled in both. I’ve always preferred to write non-fiction. I remember reading one of her manuscripts she was working on. She also published puppet scripts for Lollipop the Dragon in the 80’s and wrote several children’s stories, youth programs and numerous articles. I also have a treasured copy of a published book of hers, called In the Manner of Friends: History of Northbranch. It contains part of my personal family Quaker history through memories of her own and others she researched.
Grandma Foster, was very special to me. I have memory upon memory spending time with her, playing games like Boggle, Go to the Head of the Class, Bible Tic-Tac-Toe, Pictionary, Taboo and more. Sometimes we played Wheel of Fortune or Impossible Mission on the old Commodore 64 computer. There was always a jigsaw puzzle out, and all aunts, uncles and cousins participated.
They lived in Independence, KS through my growing up years. Every time we visited, we went to the city zoo enjoying especially the “monkey island,” looking for babies and laughing at their antics. We took walks, and played in the park (which I believe even to this day to be the best park around with it’s amazing super-high slippery slide!) Grandpa always bought us five-cent tickets to ride the carousel and the kiddie train. And in our day, we were able to climb all over the old train engine that is still there. (My husband and I drove around Independence in December of 2022. Much was the same; however, the train was no longer accessible for climbing children, mostly likely due to “safety” reasons.)
During the summer visits we also went to the library to check out books for quiet time during our stay. I loved the old brick building with tall Greek columns that appeared to stretch far into the sky as a child. We didn’t like naps, but I sure enjoyed the chance to read through something like a good Nancy Drew novel!
More than spending time together, my grandparents loved Jesus and served him well. Grandpa Foster was pastor, and Grandma served well alongside. I enjoyed visiting their church, because we had church service first, followed by Sunday school classes. I loved that it was “backwards” to our home church schedule. Grandma was in charge of the opening exercises and always had a puppet show, a highlight! Some Sunday evenings, there were funnel cakes or sourdough pancakes served at the church.
Grandma talked a lot about the importance of prayer, praying for missions and for anyone who needed help. I remember very specifically a time while my siblings and I were staying with them, that something was happening of concern with my parents as they were traveling. Grandma had a special prayer for them. I don’t recall the concern; however, that memory has remained with me to this day. It was an example of someone who didn’t just tell me to pray for others, but lived the example. I’m sure she prayed many other times, but that one stood out, perhaps because I was a teenager and taking things more seriously in my own faith.
As I read the old Fruit of the Vine* devotions, Grandma wrote, it hit me how much more she and Grandpa were involved when it came to ministry. They cared about the broken and hurting, working with those who struggled with all kinds of addictions and issues. They cared about outreach and discipleship. I hope, both now in heaven, they see the fruit Jesus grew in them, passed on to new generations.

Their legacy passed on in cousins, my siblings, and myself. Even further, we are seeing this legacy of faith passed on to our children, nieces and nephews—their great grandchildren. We remember our grandparents well with fondness. And now we share our own faith with each other, discipling our children, and hopefully grandchildren, too. A well-shared legacy isn’t about riches or fame. It’s about examples we pass on in character and strength. It’s about living a life of faith, not just telling it. And my heart is once again full as I think on these treasures of life through Christ.
-Eve Garrison
*Fruit of the Vine is a publication through Barclay Press. You may order a subscription at