Not long ago, as I was working on a project, I started to feel those icky overwhelming feelings well up. Angst was causing my chest to tighten and I was about to explode. The Lord had already been training me about peace over anxiety, so it was the perfect moment to ask Him to still Read More
Author: Eve
Forgiveness on Repeat
I’ve been sharing part of my testimony recently and so my mind keeps going back to my story. Thinking on it this morning, I suddenly had an uncomfortable memory flash across both my mind and heart. A friend had hurt me during the roughest part of our heavy trials. Today, what she did seems so Read More
Legacy, too.
After re-reading my Legacy post, I reflected on my other grandparents, and feel the need to pay honor to them, too! Both sets of grandparents are very different from each other, and yet similar in their faith. Grandpa and Grandma Macy lived on a farm much of my earlier years. I have memories of gathering Read More
A Look Past Pushes Hope Forward
I’m not a huge fan of looking into our past, IF we are doing it for the sake of dwelling there. But I am a fan, if we steward our past with the purpose of healing, learning, remembering God’s goodness and looking forward with Christ. Looking back into my old journals has that effect on Read More
“A well-shared legacy isn’t about riches or fame. It’s about examples we pass on in character and strength.”
In this post I share childhood memories of special people in my life, along with the most important legacy they passed on.